Workbench 3.3 (VxWorks 6.9)
이 과정은 사용자에게 workbench를 사용하여 실시간 어플리케이션을 개발하는데 필요한 지식을 얻는 방법을 빠르고, 효과적으로 제공합니다.
과정 대상자
- Windriver 제품을 60일이내에 사용하려는 교육생
- Workbench와 VxWorks를 이용하여 개발하려는교육생
- Workbench와 VxWorks를 사용하는 팀의 새로운 프로젝트 참가자
- Windriver의 제품을 빠르게 이해를 원하는 교육생
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- 교육생에게 가장 공통적으로 사용되는 부분을 맞추어 여러가지 workbench 기능을 교육합니다.교육 효과
- 어플케이션을 개발하기 위한 요구 조건을 알 수 있습니다.
- VxWorks를 이용하는 실시간 어플리케이션에 대하여 설계,개발, 컴파일 및 시험 할 수 있습니다.
- 효과적으로 툴과 VxWorks의 기능을 사용 가능 합니다. -
1일 2일 Getting Started Using VxWorks Shells ᆞProduct Overview ᆞIntroduction to VxWorks Shells ᆞWorkbench 3.x Features ᆞHost Shell Commands, Help, and Usage ᆞProduct Delivery, Installation and Licensing ᆞCommand-Line History and Editing ᆞHost Support ᆞHost Shell Configuration ᆞVxWorks 6.x Features ᆞShell Interpreters Using the VxWorks Simulator ᆞKernel Shell Comparison ᆞIntroduction to VxSim ᆞHands-on: Host Shell ᆞRemote Systems Target Server Connections Debugging in Wind River Workbench ᆞVxWorks Simulator Configuration ᆞDebugger Overview ᆞConnecting to VxSim ᆞSetting Breakpoints ᆞWind Debug Agent (WDB) ᆞTask Mode, System Mode Debugging ᆞVxWorks Simulator VxSim Lab ᆞGUI and Usage Hardware Target Connection ᆞHands-on: Debugger ᆞTerms and Concepts Real-Time Multitasking ᆞHost to Target Connection ᆞReal-Time Requirements ᆞHands-on: Getting Started (Hardware, Wind River Simics, or VxSim Target) ᆞTask States Managing Projects in Wind River Workbench ᆞTask Control ᆞIntroduction to Projects and Workspaces ᆞPOSIX Support ᆞVxWorks Image Projects ᆞSystem Tasks ᆞKernel Configuration ᆞHands-on: Multitasking ᆞROMFS ᆞConfiguring Application Projects ᆞWorking Sets ᆞImport and Export ᆞBuild Properties, Specifications, and Output ᆞHands-on: Project Management 3일 4일 VxWorks Events Memory ᆞEvent Register ᆞMemory Maps and Pools ᆞEvent Handling ᆞMemory Allocation ᆞTask Synchronization ᆞMemory Management Routines ᆞHands-on: Events ᆞPartition Management Semaphores ᆞHands-on: Memory ᆞSemaphores and Synchronization Real-Time Processes (RTPs) ᆞEvents and Semaphores ᆞRTP Model and MMU ᆞMutual Exclusion Semaphores ᆞMemory Allocation ᆞHands-on: Semaphores ᆞRTP Execution and Life Cycle Inter-task Communication ᆞDebugging RTPs ᆞShared Memory ᆞShared Library Usage ᆞMessage Queues ᆞPublic and Private Objects ᆞMessage Queue Events ᆞDesign Considerations ᆞPipes ᆞHands-on: Real-Time Processes ᆞHands-on: Inter-task Communication Exceptions, Interrupts, and Timers ᆞException Handling and Signals ᆞInterrupt Service Routines ᆞTimers and the System Clock ᆞWatchdog Timers ᆞPolling ᆞAuxiliary Clock ᆞHands-on: Exceptions, Interrupts, and Timers 5일 Error Detection and Reporting ᆞError Reporting Framework ᆞPersistent Memory ᆞError Detection and Reporting Configuration ᆞError Records ᆞHands-on: Error Detection and Reporting System Viewer ᆞSystem Viewer ᆞSystem Viewer Configuration, Management, and Use ᆞTriggering Interface ᆞUser Events ᆞHands-on: System Viewer