The HPx-300 Radar Signal Output card generates representative radar signals for system testing, simulation, training or radar video streaming. Under software control, the card generates radar video, trigger and azimuth signals similar to those generated by real radars.
- Dual analogue radar video output
- Low latency output
- 25MHz output bandwidth
- ACP/ARP or parallel azimuth output
- SHM signal output
- PRF 100Hz to 10kHz
- Configurable output signal voltages
- Variable and staggered PRF support
- Variable (jagged) return length support
- Configurable pre-trigger delay (steps of 20ns)
- Rotation period 0.25 to 60 seconds
- Built-in test pattern
- Configurable output signals
- C/C++ API available
- Compatible with SPx Radar Simulator product
- Supported under Windows and Linux
- For simulation, test, training and streaming applications